Our mother earth needs us to show up as love in action. Each day waking up to our responsibility to take care of and love our planet. The children are rising, the adults coming home to heart. May we transcend this destructive way of being, may we connect to that which understands how to work together.. nature.
I wrote ONE The message from Mother Earth in 2009. I was feeling much despair, even though we had successfully brought in single stream recycling in Austin, Texas. As I lay in the grass, feeling all the things wrong with life and humanity.. I asked the earth "What do we need to know? What message do they need to hear to turn this around?" And ONE came into my being and out my throat. (Click to listen, available on iTunes, Google Play, Pandora and more..)
For 12 years I have been singing this song... may it anchor you home. .
This Earth Day I performed on an exceptional and lengthy broadcast for WE the world and planet Heart for the 14th annual Earth Day Celebration.. this year it is of course online. Click the link to enjoy this thoroughly engaging broadcast. From the man who created Tetris and one Blue Planet to Heidi Little :) https://www.facebook.com/thewecampaign/videos/507493340255568
Saturday I am venturing out again for a festival in San Marcos, Texas. A new Earth Day Celebration in collaboration with Earthman Lanny Smith and The Mermaid Society Much love to you.. much love to the waters..
These are disconcerting times. But if we work together as love in action, they will become triumphant times. Thank you for your love and care of me... always flowing in love with you and our humanity and grace..