We have had to face it.

We all know it's just a ploy to keep us distracted while they continue to cut down the lungs of the planet. So.. the question is what can we do or what do we do about it. Action's speak louder than words, and as love in action, that implies that you and I are willing to do something in order to change/transform what is happening with certain things we care about.
Now that we have established that, let's each get a pencil and write down 3 things that can instantly transform the way in which something is going, or to support it.. we are contstantly being asked to choose this. right here.
International Children's Month New Year Platform for 2022 is INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN LOVE GRACE AND RESILIENCE 2022. Through the Heart, and Through the Lens." www.internationalchildrensmonth.com
Gettting back to what we can do here is the Socials Campaign: Through The Heart, Through The Lens, Everyone and their dog have an iphone or android right? Let's take pics of grace and reslieince?! Everyone will benefit.
A group of youth panelists will try to see all your posts. Make sure to hashtag #BOOM
Through the Heart Through the Lens. Eignstein beleived we could create a "Love Bomb". So, let's try a social media LOVE BOMB and HASTAG #BOOM in honor of the love bomb, You, and me present: Through The Heart, Through The Lens #THTL A sonic love boom bomb.
Brought to you by you and me at www.internationalchildrensmonth.com (june) Annually.